Slavko Stanić

Slavko Stanić



Stanić Slavko (Luigi) – Điđi ( Gradinje, Općina Oprtalj, 16.02.1942. – Kastav, 28.10.2005.)

Boćar, i sportski djelatnik. Sin  Antona i Regine, rođene Puhar. Završio je srednju tehničku školu u Rijeci.

Rođen je u istri za vrijeme Kraljevine Italije. Zbog toga mu je u matičnu knjigu rođenih upisano osobno ime Luigi ali je nakon rata u novoj FNR Jugoslaviji promijenio ime u Slavko i koristio ga cijeli život. Odrastao je na području nekadašnje općine Pazin. S obitelji se 1957. doselio u Rijeku. Živio je najprije u gradskoj četvrti Kozala i potom na Podmurvicama a 1971. se trajno preselio u Kastav. Njegov otac je bio radnik u brodogradilištu i majka domaćica.

Slavko zvan Điđi bio je 1974. jedan od osnivača boćarskog kluba Kastav. Potom je 1980. prešao u boćarsko društvo Drenova iz Rijeke. Tijekom dva desetljeća bio je igrač prve ekipe te tehnički i sportski voditelj. S ekipom Drenove osvojio je Međurepubličku ligu 1986. a potom je nastupao u saveznoj boćarskoj ligi Jugoslavije do 1990. U saveznoj ligi je osvojio 3.mjesto 1988./89. i 1989./90. U tom periodu igrao je i vodio ekipu za koju su između ostalih igrali Dinko Beaković i Slavko Olić, a prvu afirmaciju su stekli Čedo Vukelić, Zvonko Jelovica te braća Sandro i Simon Gulja. Osvajao je medalje na republičkom prvenstvu SR Hrvatske u preciznom izbijanju do 1990.

Nakon osamostaljenja Hrvatske 1992. nastupao je s ekipom Drenove u 1. Hrvatskoj boćarskoj ligi od 1994. do 1997. i ponovno 1999. No, više nisu postizani uspjesi iz razdoblja bivše Jugoslavije. Krajem 1990.-ih godina sudjelovao je u ponovnoj obnovi BK Kastva. Stekao je zvanje boćarskog instruktora I. i II. stupnja te nacionalnog boćarskog suca. Vodio je kao izbornik mušku državnu reprezentaciju Hrvatske na nekoliko međunarodnih turnira.

Obnašao je brojne dužnosti u sportu. Bio je predsjednik Hrvatskog boćarskog saveza, Boćarskog saveza Primorsko-goranske županije i Boćarskog saveza Rijeke. U HBS-u je uz to bio predsjednik Sportske komisije i član Izvršnog odbora.  Sudjelovao je 22.travnja 1977. u Rijeci na Osnivačkoj skupštini Zajednice sportova PGŽ i izabran je u prvi Izvršni odbor. Bio je predsjednik i član organizacijskih odbora na dva svjetske boćarska prvenstva održana u Gradu Rijeci: 1995. na kadetskom SP-u i 1997. na seniorskom SP.

U profesionalnoj karijeri bio je zaposlen u poduzeću Monter kao rukovodilac za postavljanje centralnog grijanja. Potom je od 1993. do mirovine djelovao kao poduzetnik

Aktivno se bavio i politikom, kao član Istarskog demokratskog sabora. Bio je član predsjedništva Zajednice podružnica IDS-a Rijeke, te predsjednik gradske podružnice IDS-a Kastav. Od 2001. do 2005. je kao član Poglavarstva Grada Kastva bio zadužen za resor sporta, kulture, tehničke kulture , zaštite okoline i potrošača. Zahvaljujući njemu, Kastav je dobio boćalište. Njemu u čast, od 2013. kastavsko boćalište Stražnica nosi ime „Slavko Stanić".

Dobitnik je priznanja HBS-a povodom 50 godina boćanja u Hrvatskoj,2001., Zlatne plakete Boćarske zajednice Rijeka povodom 50 godina Boćarskog saveza i organiziranog boćanja u Rijeci 2002., Nagrade za životno djelo zajednice sportova PGŽ 2004, kao posthumne i nagrade Grada Kastva za izvanredne zasluge u razvoju kastavskog sporta, 2006.


Izv.: Izjava Slavkove kćeri, Elde Gržinić iz Kastva, dokumentacija BK Drenove iz Rijeke (pripremio M. Štefan).

Lit.: Hrvatsko boćanje 1951. – 2001., Zagreb, 2001.; 50 godina Boćarskog saveza Rijeka i B.K. „Benčić GMT" Rijeka 1952. – 2002, Rijeka, 2002.; „Kastavskom boćalištu ime dugogodišnjeg uspješnog sportskog i društvenog djelatnika", Glas Kastavski 63, Kastav, lipanj 2013.; Slavica Kleva, „Svečano otvoren Boćarski dom Slavko Stanić", Novi list, Rijeka, 24. rujna 2021.



Stanić Slavko (Luigi) – Điđi (Gradinje, Municipality Oprtalj, 16 Feb 1942 – Kastav, 28 Oct 2005)

Bocce player and sports worker. Son of Anton and Regina (née Puhar). He graduated from Technical School of Mechanical Engineering in Rijeka.

He was born in Istria during the Kingdom of Italy; hence his personal name Luigi was entered in the birth register. However, following the war in the new Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, he changed his name to Slavko and used it all his life. He grew up in the area of ​​the former municipality of Pazin, but in 1957, he moved to Rijeka with his family. He lived first in the city neighborhood of Kozala and then in Podmurvice, and in 1971, he permanently moved to the city of Kastav. His father was a shipyard worker and his mother a housewife.

Slavko, known under the nickname Điđi, was one of the founders of the Bocce Club Kastav in 1974. Then, in 1980, he moved to the Bocce Club Drenova from Rijeka. During two decades he was a first-team player and technical and sports manager. With the Drenova team, he won the Inter-Republican League in 1986, and then played in the federal bocce league of Yugoslavia until 1990. In the federal league, he won the third place in 1988/89 and 1989/90. In that period, he played and led the team for which, among others, Dinko Beaković and Slavko Olić played, and Čedo Vukelić, Zvonko Jelovica and the brothers Sandro and Simon Gulja earned their first affirmation. He won medals at the republican championship of the Socialist Republic of Croatia in precision throwing until 1990.

After Croatia gained its independence in 1992, he played with Drenova in the Croatian First Bocce League from 1994 to 1997 and again in 1999. However, the successes from the period of the former Yugoslavia were no longer achieved. At the end of the 1990s, he participated in the reconstruction of Bocce Club Kastav. He earned the title of bocce instructor for levels 1 and 2 and national bocce referee. As a coach, he led Croatia’s men’s national team at several international tournaments.

He held numerous positions in sports. He was the president of the Croatian Bocce Federation, the Bocce Association of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, and the Bocce Association of the City of Rijeka. At the Croatian Bocce Federation, he also performed the role of the president of the Sports Commission and was a member of the Executive Board. On April 22, 1977, he participated in the Founding Assembly of the Sports Association of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County in Rijeka and was elected to the first Executive Committee. He was the president and member of the organizing committee at two world bocce championships held in the city of Rijeka: in 1995 at the cadet WC and in 1997 at the senior WC.

In his professional career, he worked as a manager for the installation of central heating for the company Monter, but continued as a private business owner from 1993 until his retirement.

Stanić was also actively involved in politics, as a member of the Istrian Democratic Assembly (IDS). He was a member of the presidency of the IDS Chapter Associations in Rijeka, and the president of the city branch of IDS in Kastav. From 2001 to 2005, as a member of the Kastav Municipality, he was in charge of sports, culture, technical culture, and environmental and consumer protection. It is due to his efforts that Kastav received a bocce court. In his honor, since 2013, the Stražnica bocce court in Kastav has carried the name "Slavko Stanić.”

In 2001, he became the recipient of the Croatian Bocce Federation award on the occasion of 50 years of bocce in Croatia. In 2002, he was awarded the Golden Plaque of the Bocce Association of the City of Rijeka on the occasion of 50 years of the Bocce Association and organized bocce in Rijeka in 2002. He also received the Lifetime Achievement Award issued by the Sports Union of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County in 2004, as well as the City of Kastav Award for outstanding merits in the development of Kastav sports, which was awarded to him posthumously in 2006.


Source: Statement of Slavko''''s daughter, Elda Gržinić from Kastav, from the archives of Bocce Club Drenova from Rijeka (prepared by M. Štefan).

References: Hrvatsko boćanje 1951 - 2001 [Croatian Bocce 1951 - 2001], Zagreb, 2001; 50 godina Boćarskog saveza Rijeka i B.K. "Benčić GMT” Rijeka 1952 - 2002 [50 Years of the Bocce Association of the City of Rijeka and B.K. "Benčić GMT” Rijeka 1952 - 2002], Rijeka, 2002; "Kastavskom boćalištu ime dugogodišnjeg uspješnog sportskog i društvenog djelatnika” [Kastav bocce court named after successful sports and community worker], Glas Kastavski 63, Kastav, June 2013; Slavica Kleva, "Svečano otvoren Boćarski dom Slavko Stanić” [Grand opening of the Slavko Stanić Bocce Center], Novi list, Rijeka, 24 Septermber 2021.

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